Run vbs file from cmd peru

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CScript Filename ip logname.log The most notable difference between CScript and WScript is the behavior of WScript.Echo. (Default) REG_EXPAND_SZ '%SystemRoot% System32 WScript.exe' '%1'%* If you don't want to leave it to chance, you will have to explicitly include WScript or CScript in your commandline, e.g.Computer HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT VBSFile Shell Open Command.If you use the syntax: Filename ip logname.log then the action will be derived from the registry. Other scripting (Powershell, vbs, bat) C1 Integration. Script parameters are preceded by a single slash (/). Script options and parameters are passed to the script. Script name is the name of the script file with extension and necessary path information, for example, d: admin vbscripts chart.vbs. Running Scripts from the Command Prompt: See Also.